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    • 娄连心

      ​娄连心 硕士研究生Name: Lianxin LouDate of Birth: 1999.10Birthplace: Zhuanghe,  Liaoning provinceEducation Experiences:2022.9-present: Master Candidate, Dalian Jiaotong University (Collaboration with Thermochemical Laboratory, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)2018.9-2022.7: Bachelor degree, Graduated from  Shenyang Institute of TechnologyEmail: loulianxin@dicp.ac.cnResearch interests: Hyd...
      • 闻晶

        闻晶 硕士研究生Name: Jing WenDate of Birth: 1996.11Birthplace: Dalian,  Liaoning provinceEducation Experiences:2022.9-present: Master Candidate, Dalian Jiaotong University (Collaboration with Thermochemical Laboratory, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)2015.9-2019​.7: Bachelor degree, Graduated from  Northeast Forestry University.Email: wenjing@dicp.ac.cnResearch interests: PC
        • 伏浩晟

          伏浩晟 硕士研究生Name:  Haocheng FuDate of Birth: 2000.02Birthplace: Chengdu Sichuan ProvinceEducation Experiences:2022.9-now : Master Candidate, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences      2018.9-2022.7: Bachelor Degree, Sichuan UniversityEmail: ​fuhaocheng@dicp.ac.cnResearch interests: Flexible Phase Change Material
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